Air Quality and Emissions Assessment and Analysis

EMC Planning Group assists public agency and private sector clients with air quality analysis and emissions reduction mitigation services. Core services include evaluation of development proposals for the purposes of CEQA and NEPA, quantification air pollutant emissions using California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod), EMissions FACtor (EMFAC), and other modeling tools, analysis of emissions hazards, and strategies to reduce them. 


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Greenhouse Gas Assessment and Analysis

EMC Planning Group also offers greenhouse gas assessment services to meet the needs of public agencies and private clients. We are well-versed in the legislative and regulatory frameworks and use of practical tools for evaluating and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from new development projects. EMC Planning Group employs the California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod) to model greenhouse gas emissions from development projects, works with public and private clients to evaluate feasible measures for reducing greenhouse gas emissions where required, and verifies compliance with applicable legislative and regulatory requirements. 

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