EMC Planning Group’s wildfire planning team, working in collaboration with the Chico-based, wildfire mapping firm of Deer Creek Resources, is qualified to assist jurisdictions and private clients with conducting wildfire hazard and risk analyses for a variety of projects utilizing advanced GIS based modeling and mapping tools, as well as environmental review for forest resilience, vegetation management, and wildfire planning projects.
We have experience working with various counties, cities, special districts, and agencies, in collaboration with state, regional, and local fire districts,
on projects within State-designated “High” and “Very High” Fire Hazard Severity Zones (within both the Local and State Responsibility Areas) and within the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI).

Land Use Planning and Hazard Mitigation

Working in close cooperation with client and collaborating experts, EMC Planning Group staff  will assist with:

  • Identifying and collecting the background information needed to support a rational and robust project wildfire hazard identification process;
  • Preparing project descriptions that are suitable and legally adequate throughout the entire project development and implementation process;
  • Conduct feasibility review for single projects or, where there are several potential projects, determine action priorities; and
  • Optimize project location based on fire history, vegetation, terrain and assets at risk.

Environmental Review

EMC Planning Group staff have extensive experience with CEQA and NEPA compliance. In addition, EMC Planning Group staff have training conducting programmatic environmental review utilizing the recently adopted statewide California Vegetation Treatment Program (CalVTP) and Programmatic EIR.
EMC can also prepare any necessary environmental permit applications for vegetation treatment or other wildfire resilience projects and then assist in compliance activities associated with those permits.

EMC Planning Group’s wildfire planning team has the environmental and land use experience that is necessary to assist our clients to successfully navigate the complex wildfire planning and permitting process.


Principal Planner