Global warming has rapidly become a key catalyst for rethinking the “business as usual” approaches to planning and development.  Tackling the global warming challenge through planning and development processes requires interdisciplinary expertise across topics as diverse as land use, climate vulnerability, adaption, energy efficiency, alternative fuels, and more.   It also requires understanding the multitude of existing and potential policy and regulatory mechanisms that can be used to craft and implement climate change mitigation strategies. 

EMC Planning Group’s vision for providing climate change mitigation services is clear due to the vast experience of our planners and a practical approach to planning and development design and implementation.  Public and private sector clients benefit by reaching decisions and forwarding development solutions that meet the climate friendly expectations of the State of California as well as regional and local interests.  EMC Planning Group’s related services include:


Public Sector

  • Educational Workshops – trainings for decision makers to bring them “up to speed” on climate change modeling, impacts, adaption strategies, green building policy, and regulatory development strategies;
  • Climate Change Plans – general plan and local coastal plan updates to incorporate climate change strategies, adaption strategies, policy and implementation programs, and climate action plans;
  • Regulatory Tool Updates – energy/green building ordinances, code updates, design review guideline updates;
  • Staff Planning Assistance Services – development review to support project design for and implementation of climate change mitigation actions; management and implementation of programs to meet Cities for Climate Protection commitments;
  • Financing Green/Climate Change/SD Initiatives – Grant research and grant writing.

Private Sector

  • Project design to incorporate green and climate change mitigation approaches and consultation regarding related CEQA/NEPA climate change mitigation strategies.
  • LEED consulting/certification assistance.
  • Facility energy audits using existing tools.
  • Post project mitigation compliance monitoring/reports.