Patrick Furtado, MS
Senior Biologist

Mr. Furtado joined EMC Planning Group in 2020 and has over ten years of experience as a plant, wildlife, and wetland biologist. His ecological expertise extends across a wide range of California ecosystems including coastal dunes and beaches, fresh and salt water wetlands, riparian woodlands, grasslands, chaparral, oak woodlands, and conifer forests.

Mr. Furtado integrates multiple disciplines within his work including ornithology, herpetology, plant taxonomy, vegetation classification and mapping, remote sensing, GIS analysis, riparian and wetland hydrology, soil classification, and invasive plant species management. His work in California wetlands has focused on understanding how hydrology and soil properties interact with vegetation and applying this knowledge to the conservation of wetland and riparian habitat.

Mr. Furtado has conducted protocol-level field surveys and habitat assessments for many special-status plant and wildlife species including Monterey spineflower, Yadon’s rein orchid, western snowy plover, burrowing owl, bank swallow, mission blue butterfly, San Francisco garter snake, California giant salamander, San Joaquin kit fox, and San Francisco dusky-footed woodrat. He has been approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife as a qualified biologist for the evaluation of impacts for projects involving California red-legged frog and California tiger salamander.

Mr. Furtado possesses extensive experience with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) environmental impact assessment and avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures. He works on projects involving incidental take permits and habitat conservation plans, wetland delineation and permitting, streambed alteration agreements, habitat restoration, and sea level rise vulnerability assessment.

Mr. Furtado received a Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Resource Management from the University of California, Berkeley and a Master of Science degree in Conservation Biology from San Francisco State University. Patrick has been certified as a Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS #3041) by the Society of Wetland Scientists since 2019. He has also received extensive professional development training from the Jepson Herbarium, California Native Plant Society, Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program, San Francisco Bay Coastal Training Program, Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation, and UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education Land Use and Natural Resources Program.


  • M.S. –  San Francisco State University; Conservation Biology, 2012
  • B.S. – University of California, Berkeley; Forestry and Natural Resource Management, 2007


  • The Wildlife Society – Western Section
  • California Native Plant Society


  • Society of Wetland Scientists – Certified as Professional Wetland Scientist, PWS #3041, 2018
  • Morphology and Identification of Flowering Plants Workshop, Jepson Herbarium, 2006
  • Rare Plants of Eastern San Luis Obispo County Workshop, California Native Plant Society, 2010
  • Basic Wetland Delineation, San Francisco State University, Romberg Tiburon Center’s Wetland Science Series, 2010
  • Classification of Vernal Pool Plant Communities Workshop, California Native Plant Society, 2010
  • Plant Taxonomy Training, California Native Plant Society, 2010
  • Phylogeny, Taxonomy, and Name Changes in the California Flora Workshop, Jepson Herbarium, 2011
  • Measuring and Monitoring Plant Populations and Vegetation, California Native Plant Society, 2012
  • Wetland Hydrology Workshop, San Francisco State University, Romberg Tiburon Center’s Wetland Science Series, 2012
  • Grassland Ecology, Identification, and Monitoring Workshop, California Native Grasslands Association, 2012
  • California Natural Diversity Database Training, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2013
  • Wetland Indicator Plants Workshop, San Francisco State University, Romberg Tiburon Center’s Wetland Science Series, 2013
  • Amphibians of the San Francisco Bay Area Workshop, Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation, 2014
  • Tidal Wetland Restoration and the Horizontal Levee Workshop, San Francisco Bay, National Estuarine Research Reserve, 2014
  • California Tiger Salamander Ecology Workshop, Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation, 2015
  • Rare Pond Species Survey Techniques Workshop, Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation, 2015
  • Field Practice: Hands-On Restoration Implementation and Maintenance, California Native Grasslands Association, 2015